Light Boots V1
17th June 2017
My first attempt at motion reactive, light-up boots

I made this pair of light up boots for Sarra based upon the Adafruit Firewalkers project. They play a quick animation around the base of the boot every time Sarra’s foot hits the ground, which is super cool. My intention was that she would be able to use these boots when walking around at night at CriticalNW. Unfortunately, I significantly underestimated how incredibly hard life is for a pair of boots in the woods, even gentle woods like those where CriticalNW happens. The boots died in something like 15-20 minutes. That’s probably also why I have shockingly few photos of the boots in action. That 15-20 minutes were pretty great though, and I’m feeling fired up to make version 2 of these boots, tougher and better in (hopefully) every way!